The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Firewood for Camping

August 2, 2024
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When it comes to camping, few experiences rival the joy of sitting around a crackling campfire. To make the most of this experience, choosing the right firewood is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore what firewood is best for camping and the types of wood you should consider bringing along.

What Firewood is Best for Camping?

Understanding Hardwood vs. Softwood

Firewood can be broadly categorized into two types: hardwood and softwood. Each type has unique properties that make it suitable for different camping needs.


  • Examples: Oak, hickory, maple, birch, and beech.
  • Characteristics: Hardwoods are denser and heavier, making them ideal for long-lasting fires. They burn slowly and produce a steady, hot flame with minimal smoke and few sparks.
  • Pros: Longer burn time, higher heat output, and a cleaner burn.
  • Cons: Harder to split, more expensive, and heavier to transport.


  • Examples: Pine, fir, spruce, and cedar.
  • Characteristics: Softwoods are lighter and less dense. They ignite quickly, making them great for starting fires, but they burn faster and can produce more smoke and sparks.
  • Pros: Easy to light, readily available, and generally cheaper.
  • Cons: Shorter burn time, more smoke, and more frequent need to add wood to the fire.

Best Firewood for Various Camping Activities

Depending on your camping plans, you might need different types of wood. Here’s a breakdown of the best firewood for common camping activities:

For Cooking: Hardwood: Hardwoods like oak, hickory, and maple are best for cooking. They burn hot and steady, providing consistent heat for cooking food evenly. Hickory, in particular, adds a pleasant flavor to food.

For Warmth: Hardwood: Hardwoods are ideal for warmth due to their long burn time and high heat output. Oak and beech are excellent choices for keeping warm on chilly nights.

For Starting Fires: Softwood: Softwoods like pine and fir are great for kindling because they catch fire quickly. Use these to get your fire started before adding hardwoods for a long-lasting blaze.

Tips for Selecting the Best Firewood

Choosing the right firewood can enhance your camping experience. Here are some tips to help you select the best firewood:

  1. Seasoned Wood: Always opt for seasoned wood, which has been dried for at least six months. It burns better and produces less smoke compared to green wood (freshly cut wood).
  2. Buy Local: To prevent the spread of pests and diseases, purchase firewood near your campsite. Many campgrounds and local stores sell bundles of firewood. You can always find firewood using!
  3. Inspect the Wood: Check for signs of pests, such as holes or sawdust, to avoid bringing infested wood to your campsite.

What Kind of Wood is Used for Camping?

Knowing the types of wood available for camping can help you make an informed decision. Here are some common and lesser-known types of wood used for campfires:

Common Hardwoods for Camping

  • Oak: Known for its high heat output and long burn time, oak is a top choice for campfires. It’s dense and provides consistent heat, making it great for cooking and warmth.
  • Hickory: Hickory burns hot and adds a distinct smoky flavor to food, making it ideal for cooking.
  • Maple: Maple burns cleanly and produces a bright flame. It’s also relatively easy to split and handle.
  • Birch: Birch wood burns quickly and hot, making it a good option for quick, intense fires. It’s also known for its pleasant smell.

Common Softwoods for Camping

  • Pine: Pine is easy to light and burns quickly, making it perfect for kindling. However, it can produce a lot of smoke and sparks, so use it primarily to start fires.
  • Spruce: Similar to pine, spruce lights easily and is great for kindling. It burns quickly and doesn’t produce as much heat as hardwoods.
  • Fir: Fir is another good option for starting fires. It burns quickly and is easy to split.

Lesser-Known Options

  • Cedar: Cedar burns well and produces a pleasant aroma. It can be used for both kindling and adding to the fire for a nice smell.
  • Ash: Ash is a versatile wood that burns well even when green. It has a steady burn and produces good heat.

Storing Firewood

Proper storage of firewood is crucial to ensure it burns well when you need it. Here are some storage tips:

Keep it Dry

Store your firewood in a dry place, off the ground, and covered to protect it from rain. A tarp or firewood rack can help keep it dry.

Stack Properly

Stack your wood in a crisscross pattern to allow for airflow, which helps it dry out and prevents mold.

Take Aways

Selecting the right firewood can significantly enhance your camping experience. Understanding the differences between hardwood and softwood, knowing which wood is best for various camping activities, and storing your firewood properly are all key to enjoying a perfect campfire. Remember to buy local firewood to prevent the spread of pests and always choose seasoned wood for the best results. Happy camping!

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